"So that sucks"

I was already intrigued.  But when I read the line "So that sucks", I was done for.  Hooked.  I knew this was a read I wouldn't be able to put down. 

Fade to Black is the first installment in the Awake in the Dark series by authors Tim McBain and L.T. Vargus.  It's a psychological horror, but that doesn't stop it from delivering on the funny.

I'm not talking 'campy' horror humor, but actual funny.

The authors are unique in their ability to use slang terms like 'mow' (chew) and 'nard' (testicle) without loosing the reader.  It's because the story is communicated from the POV character. 

Jeff Grobnagger is a young man with a really sucky affliction.  He keeps having seizures, and while his body is busy flopping around on the floor, he's suddenly in another reality all together and getting the life strangled out of him.  

So that sucks

After another adventure in strangle land, he meets Glenn.  A crazy cat man who makes even crazier, delicious food.  Glenn has a problem, he thinks Jeff can help, only one thing is stopping Jeff from obliging Glenn's request.  Jeff couldn't give a shit.  Or can he?  I'm not sure... that's about as far as I've gotten. 

L.T. sent me a message on twitter and DARED me to download the teaser for her book.  Never one to turn down free teasers, I was only too happy to do so.  Fade to Black and it's sequel Bled White are now at the top of my eBook list and ready to be consumed, but I couldn't wait to blog my first review. 

I really can't wait to see where it goes from here. 

Download your teaser HERE!

Never got the help I asked for...

... so I've given up on the previous template.

This one will have to do for now.

Someday I'll be able to afford a custom design.

Anyway... back to the grind!!


I doez it!!